Move with purpose.

Changing the way of physical therapy through individualized plans and intentional classes.

Born and raised in Montgomery, I never imagined I would finish up my schooling in town. I graduated from Troy University with a degree in Exercise Science focused on furthering my career in health care. I then came back to get my doctorate in physical therapy at ASU.

Following graduation I worked in outpatient physical therapy and realized there had to be a better way to get people feeling their best. I wanted to focus on one patient at a time, listen to what was holding them back from living with purpose, and help them on their wellness journey.

Purpose Health & Wellness is a place where I want to focus on my patients’ needs, work with them to create goals, and assist in getting them back on track for a life of less pain, more mobility, more flexibility, and more purposeful days ahead doing what they love.

At Purpose I treat adults, pediatric patients, and even have training in myofascial release and treatment along with tethered oral tissues (lip tie, tongue tie, buccal tie) functional training. I can start seeing patients at just a couple days old. In the state of Alabama PT is allowed to perform an evaluation without a referral, which is extremely helpful when wondering whether PT is right for you or your child’s health journey.

Sofi Sauce, PT, DPT

Events to help build a community for new parents, caregivers, and kids.

One-on-One Consultations to make a plan together.

Classes for you & baby

Community of parents and children in similar stages

Classes focused on flexibility and mobility