Move, play, grow, and explore with purpose.

Classes for adults and children ranging from 0-5 years old.

Move with purpose

6 Participants (adult only class)

60 minute class

Single-instructor led class focused on flexibility and mobility. Bring your work-out partner or a friend who wants to start moving their body too with this low impact and low intensity session. Our bodies are made to move and sometimes all you need is a little direction on how to do it.

Whether you work out every day, are a weekend-warrior, or are just looking to decrease everyday aches and pains, this class is great for all fitness levels.

This class is made with the intention of encouraging our bodies the way they are made to move. Muscular imbalance, a lack of joint mobility, and weakness are quick to keep us from a life of movement and functionality.

Classes that include you and your baby

There are very limited resources that are able to assist on what to do with your baby after bringing him/her home from the hospital. These classes are made with parents in mind. Whether your purpose in attending these classes is building relationships with other parents, getting out of the house with new baby, or learning all you can to help your child reach the appropriate developmental milestones there are so many benefits to explore.

Play with Purpose

6 sets of participants (1 parent per child)

60 minutes

This class is meant for mom/dad/caregiver and child who is able to walk by themselves and follow some directions . We will go through lots of activities that promote balance, strength, and coordination for purposeful play at home.

There are so many activities that can be done every day to encourage joint stability, strengthening, and reaching age-appropriate milestones. These will be able to give both purpose and intention to everyday games at home.

Grow with Purpose

6 Sets of Participants (one child per parent)

60 minutes

Class for baby and parent to learn about purposeful play and ways you can maximize your child’s development and reaching milestones. They are separated by age or gross motor milestone so pick the class that seems most appropriate for your child.

Classes in each category (ex: 101, 102, 103, 104) vary from one another so you will learn different activities in each class. All classes will be offered at least once a month and there is no particular order for the classes within each category.

Class 101, 102, 103, 104

Age 0-3 months

Milestones: No prior milestones need to be reached in order to be in this class.

This class is for newborns. There will be 3 classes (it is suggested that you attend one class per month) where we will go through different activities and positions that promote reaching milestones and strengthening your baby. After you are released from the hospital there are little to no resources on how you can work with your new baby to get them on track to hitting milestones on time. This class is to build community with other new parents and build your village while helping them grow purposefully.

Grow with Purpose Class Breakdown

Class 401, 402, 403, 404

Age 11+ months

Milestones reached: Pull to stand, crawling

This set of classes will bring fun and helpful ways to encourage standing with and without support, cruising, taking independent steps, and walking.

Class 201, 202, 203, 204

Suggested Age 4-7 months

Milestones reached: remaining on tummy with ease, pushes through arms on belly to lift chest off the floor, starting to have better head control

This class will focus on purposeful movement and strengthening to work towards rolling and sitting. There will be so many exercises to continue your child’s trunk control, hip and shoulder strengthening and stability, and more.

Class 301, 302, 303, 304

Age 8-11 months

Milestones reached: rolling both ways (belly to back, back to belly), sitting independently

This class is going to work on activities geared towards crawling, pulling to stand, and lots of ways to transition from floor into various positions.

Explore with Purpose

This class will be in collaboration with an occupational therapist for children to explore their environment and further their sensory processing. We will be making games, activities, and so many fun crafts to incorporate appropriate sensory integration. We want these activities to be brought home with you to continue exploring and learning.

Packages are available for the classes!

Check out the pricing page for details.

So many options to mix and match what would be best for you, your child, and their development.