One-on-One Treatment

Treatment that is different from any other PT clinic you may have visited before.

Individualized, adjustable, private, and purposeful treatment sessions  

Together with the therapist, you will make goals to make every day more enjoyable and a life of less pain and more mobility. Whether you are seeking physical therapy for an issue you’ve had for years, from your workout this morning, or a wellness visit to keep you moving without pain, Purpose is focused on your wellbeing and bringing you towards your goals. Each visit you will have undivided attention from the physical therapist and be the only patient being seen at that time.

One-on-One Treatment is available for patients of all ages (newborns included.)

Initial Consultation

To start your wellness journey we will discuss your concerns and make a plan. Appointments after the initial consultation will work towards your goals and require scheduling.

Evaluations can occur without a referral, but be advised that you may be asked to get one in order to start treatment.

Starting at $120

Wellness Visit

Wellness visits are scheduled as needed. This is only an option after you have had an initial consultation. These are for those that have met their initial goals and want to continue occasional treatment for maintenance.

Starting at $70

Packages available, see pricing page

Treatment Session

These appointments will be made after initial visit. Treatment may include the following: dry needling, soft tissue mobilization, manual stretching, muscular lengthening.

Starting at $70

Prices may vary with appointment duration

Stretch Visit

This appointment is specifically addressing flexibility. One-on-one stretching to maintain or increase muscular length or address specific muscle groups.

This is also a great option for weekend warriors or those that work out regularly and usually leave out the “cool down.”

Starting at $60

Packages available, see pricing page


  • Initial evaluations do not need a referral but if you qualify for skilled PT services, then a referral may be needed in order to begin treatment. If you qualify for wellness visits only then a referral may not be needed.

  • Dry needling is a certified technique that uses small acupuncture needles to address knots or tender spots known as trigger points or following protocols that address a number of issues such as nerve-involved pain/numbness/tingling, chronic or acute pain, tightness, soreness, and inflammation.

    If you have a fear of needles, are allergic to certain metals, or have a history of passing out or reaction to needles then dry needling may not be the best option for you.

  • Your first visit for one-on-one consultation will involve providing history for the concerns you have such as when it started, frequency of the pain, etc. We will then discuss which options to treat the issue will be best for you and set your goals for the plan of care. There are so many routes we can take and we want to make sure you are getting the most out of every single visit. You will likely be sent home with exercises and activities to help reach those goals as well.

  • Absolutely. Wellness visits are created to allow your needs to align with your schedule. If you have reached your goals but would like to have regular check-ins and treatments to make sure you are able to maintain your goals then these are a great way to do so.

  • Yes! There are so many ways to meet your individualized needs at Purpose. If you are wanting to further your mobility and flexibility while wanting to address specific aches or pains then attending both a Move with Purpose Class and getting private treatment sessions is suggested.

For more information check out the pricing page or contact us with questions.